On the Equinoctial mornings hundreds gather
to witness the fabulous sunrise through the V of the menhirs in Punkree Burwadih. In this manner we celebrate megaliths andthe
Equinoxes, hence MEGALITHIC UTSAV.
Megalithic Utsav once translated into English means celebration of megaliths.
This event has placed Punkree Burwadih
in the same pedestal of Stonehenge as it is perhaps the only place
in the entire country where such a primitive tradition has been revived.
There is an
inclined stone which works as a pointer of the summer solstice and is placed in straight line of a small stone which has been
placed aligned to the peaks of the hill on its either side. Changing position each morning on both the flanks of the small
vertical stone which also points to the approximate North and South, one can view the sunrise each morning through the V.
The early megalith astronomers probably placed ropes on the either sides and slided on them every morning to study the sunrise.